03 August 2011

i wore flip-flops to work today. This is the ultimate non-compliance. LOL.

I felt bad because i missed work yesterday (although it's not entirely my fault and what i rather choose) so i came to work today. But almost after an hour, i regretted. The walkings made both my ankles and knees hurt.

Well again after that, i spent the rest of the day wheeling here and there. :x But i walked a little because i got too bored. :(

In the midst of the day N helped KL to take blood. I thought about it again, at the decision i made. i know for now it is the right decision, but when will i be able to learn it? It's one of the things i've wanted to learn so badly.

then it goes back to the same old line: My school sucks.

anyway lunch w Michele

She looks like Fang Da Tong, or she self-proclaim. Haha.

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