16 November 2012


Someone told me," If you're too focused on the materialistic things in life, you will never be happy."

Being Materialistic makes me happy.

& i don't see what's wrong with being materialistic. A lot of things in life are just socially acceptable or not. There isn't really a right or wrong, or at least to me. (Other than the part on inflicting pain on someone)

I like goals and plans in life. I like to ask what are we doing next? What's the plan? I like the process of making small steps to my goals. It's just like i put my eyes on some materialistic stuff which i eventually got through my hardwork, i am happy.

& that's sufficient. I am happy.

I frankly think such drive is better than people who works and eat all day and nothing else. Life will be so boring without such spices.

then again, Levonteo never listens to anyone else.

08 November 2012

Life as it is.

It has been more than a year since i started studying at PSB. Frankly speaking, I didn't really like life as it is now.

I go to work, I go to school. I meet some friends and grew even closer to some of my colleagues. But I am not satisfied. Really.

I eat alone often. i travel alone often. I laugh to myself often. I get lonely often.

I can hardly meet my friends as often because they are equally caught up with their life. So i treasure every second i have with my friends and i appreciate that they fork out time as well.

I am looking forward to the future. I know where i want to be and i will definitely be regardless of how much time, effort and money will take me. I will be.